Social and gender issues permeate every aspect of life.

Issues such as the global #MeToo movement, changes to sex ed curriculum in Canada, and the reversal of Roe vs. Wade in the US have dominated global headlines. These stories reveal the nuances involved in reporting on gender-related issues and the importance of doing so with sensitivity.

As a journalist, your role is to find underreported stories, inform audiences, and hold powerful actors to account. To do so, you need to consider unique angles, uphold ethical standards, and have a strong foundation of knowledge on various issues — including gender — to support your reporting.

As society deepens its understanding of gender, the terminology we use is changing.

Some journalists may find reporting on gender-related issues confusing or intimidating. While our knowledge and vocabulary may shift, the fundamentals of understanding why and how we should report on gender will remain.

This course is designed to give you both practical insights on reporting about gender and the confidence needed to navigate gender-related issues as a journalist.

You can expect to complete the course within two hours. We’ll share inspiring reporting examples, examine problematic reporting, and flag additional resources that you can use to supplement your learning.

Regardless of your role in a newsroom and the medium you work in, you can start applying the learnings right away. The insights are relevant for all reporters — particularly those who don’t already cover gender and social issues or who think it may not even be relevant to their beat. Whether you report on business, tech, or sports, you’ll deepen your understanding of gender and how it applies to your work.

Course curriculum

    1. A message from your instructors

    2. Meet the team

    1. A note from the authors

    2. Developing a gender lens

    3. Does this course really apply to me?

    4. Incorporating a gender lens

    5. Missed opportunities

    6. It's not always about gender

    7. Discussion Questions and Activity

    8. Quiz

    9. Resources

    1. Introduction

    2. Getting on the same page

    3. Pronouns

    4. The process

    5. Communicating with sources

    6. Writing and publishing your story

    7. Discussion Questions and Activity

    8. Quiz

    9. Resources

    1. Defining intersectionality and incorporating it into reporting

    2. Intersectional reporting in practice

    3. Discussion Questions and Activities

    4. Resources

    1. Introduction

    2. Do's and don't's of trauma-informed reporting

    3. Content warnings as a safeguarding measure

    4. Discussion Question and Activities

    5. Resources

    1. Introduction

    2. Duty of care

    3. Examples of vulnerable situations

    4. Tips on reporting on people in vulnerable situations

    5. Resources

About this course

  • Free
  • 51 lessons